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Thursday, January 1, 2009

CBmallSite.com News on Traffic


CBmall news on traffic
I want to give you some tips on what works and whatdoesn't when you are promoting affiliate programs.I learned this stuff from books I've read, seminars I'veattended, Gurus I've talked to, and most of all, because I'vetested it.I'll be blunt. For the most part, gimmick traffic doesn'tgenerate results. It's sort of like when my son, Ryan, eats abowl of popcorn. After he's done, he's still hungry. (He'salways hungry:) He didn't really get the results he wanted, eventhough he was chewing.I've tried this gimmick traffic. It was a waste of time.You can spend hours submitting to free classified ad sites,adding your link to FFA pages and signing up for"Guaranteed Hits" programs.And worst of all, buying so-called "Qualified, opt-in" emailnames when they come on a CD or cost $24.95 for 5 million names.I haven't heard anyone say these tactics work except the peoplepromoting them. The problem is the quality is just too low.What good does it do to make your hit counter spin like an IraqiForeign Minister if it doesn't make any sales?I've talked with a lot of CBmall owners. The ones makingthe most money are using proven techniques for affiliatesuccess. They do not rely on gimmick traffic.Low quality = Low sales It's an immutable law of marketing.So what does work? Are there free tactics that areeffective?You bet. They take a bit of effort, but they can workwonders. And once your project is done, you can reaptraffic for months or even years.I'll be talking about several of these in the next few issues.But here's one now:

========= Go Here ==============

One of the best ways is to write articles and reports.another highly effective way is to have a blog. It soundshard, but there are systemized ways to do this and beextremely effective.Fact is, techniques like this are what separates internetmarketers from SUCCESSFUL Internet Marketers. It's whatcan differentiate you from everyone else.Let me ask you a question. What works best for you?Maybe we can trade some ideas...

http://cbmallsite.comTurbo Tagger

Yours in success,

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